Membership is open to all adult persons who are parents or guardians of children at St. Charles School, a member of St. Charles School staff, or a parishioner at St. Charles Church, with an interest in encouraging participation and fostering an appreciation of the arts in St. Charles Borromeo School.

• to encourage and foster an appreciation of the arts in St. Charles Borromeo School
• to raise and expend monies for special programs and equipment
• to allocate monies in-equal proportion to support and maintain the programs of general art, band, general music, strings, drama, choir, and hand chimes

Meetings are held on Wednesdays of the months of August, September, October, January, April, and May. Some meeting dates/times may be changed. All meeting dates, times, and location are announced in the school newsletter.

The Fine Arts Boosters sponsor an annual Craft Fair the first Saturday of November. Volunteers are appreciated with the set-up of tables on Friday prior after school as well as for clean up Saturday afternoon. Additionally, volunteers are appreciated to help prepare and serve lunch in the cafeteria for shoppers and vendors.

Email for information about renting a table at which to sell home-made items or check for status on Facebook.

The Fine Arts Boosters also collect General Mills Box Tops for Education. Twice a year these are redeemed for cash. This money is used to fund visiting fine arts performers and presentations for the student body.

Performances to be funded during the 2024-2025 school year will include: Stevens Puppets presenting Rumpelstiltskin, Fort Wayne Philharmonic ensemble, the second grade students traveling to the Arts United Center for the Fort Wayne Ballet's performance of The Nutcracker, and several others still to be decided.

Annually the Fine Arts Boosters present an Eighth Grade Award to two deserving eighth graders at the conclusion of the Spring Concert. Any eighth grade student involved in the arts at school is welcome to apply. Applications must be accompanied by a letter of recommendation and will be due in the school office at an announced date in late April.