
April 22, 2022 Newsletter

Dear Parents of St. Charles Borromeo School Students - Happy Easter! Yes, we are still celebrating Easter! Read more about the Octave of Easter in the article below.
     I want to commend all of our young ladies and gentlemen who were recognized at the Honors Breakfasts on Wednesday and Thursday mornings. I thank them for setting an example of excellence, in using their God-given intelligence to achieve academic success. I am proud of all of you and I know your parents, who continually love and support you, are proud also. Well done!
     Fr. Tom will lead a historic Eucharistic procession this Monday! As Father Tom writes in his column this weekend, there is an ancient tradition of having a procession on April 25, called the Greater Litanies. It is known that St. Charles Borromeo organized such processions and carried relics through the streets of Milan on that date. With Bishop Rhoades’ approval, and Father Tom’s direction and encouragement, just as St. Charles Borromeo of old, we have also organized a Eucharistic procession following 1:15 pm school Mass in the gym. At the conclusion of Mass, the priests, along with all the second grade students, altar servers, and a few adults will process around the campus, carrying relics, using Ethiopian processional umbrellas, ringing bells, reciting litanies, and finally carrying the Blessed Sacrament under a canopy, with the second graders throwing flower petals toward the Blessed Sacrament. The rest of the school will line the procession route to take part, either singing or reciting litanies. All are invited to attend the Mass and procession to follow!

Congratulations to Luka Bacak, Savannah Galbraith, Kieran Crowl, Preston Cesaretti, Katie Keefer, Thang Deih Lian, Paige Starkey, Jordan Richards, Kylie Tippmann, Roman Slee, Gigi Colone, Noelani Baker, Nathan Lesh, Connor Woods, Raegan Bobilya, Levi Filler, Niang Hau, Khan Lian

Calendar Update
April 24   Divine Mercy Sunday
April 25   I-LEARN assessments continue all week for students in grades 3-8
April 25   Mass, 1:15 pm, followed by Eucharistic Procession
May 1     First Communion, 2:00 pm, at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception
May 2     Living Rosary with May Crowning, 1:30 pm, in the gym
May 5     Spring Concert, 7:00 pm, in the gym

Click here for the entire April 22, 2022 SCBS Newsletter