
February 24, 2023 Newsletter

Tuesday, March 7th -         Early Dismissal   1:00pm     St. Charles hosts Diocesan Pueri Cantores Mass w/Bishop Rhoades 3:00 pm
Thursday, March 30th -      Early Dismissal   1:00pm     Spring Break begins today at 1:00pm. We return to school on Tues. April 11

INPEA (Indiana Non-Public Education Association) February 17 Legislative Updates
Dear Parents and Students - I hope you are well. This week I wanted to reach out to you and share what our non-public school lobbyists are doing to work on our behalf for school choice and funding for our Catholic Schools. Please take a moment to read through the material, read the Myth vs. Reality paper, and view the video below. All parents deserve choice in education whether they choose public, charter, or private school for their children. Thank you for taking the time to be informed and active, and thank you for choosing St. Charles Borromeo for your child. -Rob S.

School Choice  Indiana School Choice (Vouchers) Myths vs. Reality Click & Read Here

We have reached the halfway point of the 2023 legislative session and it is important that you share your voice as a school choice advocate! Keep private school options and opportunities available and growing for Hoosier families. Contact your State Representative and tell him/her to support improvements to the Choice Scholarship and Tax Credit Programs in HB 1591 and in the House budget, HB 1001. Additional information about these bills is listed in the bullet points below. Please personalize your email to tell your family’s story, so that legislators understand the positive impact school choice has had on thousands of families across our state. 

  • HB 1591 addresses several important fixes in the Choice Scholarship program, including the fees language, the kindergarten birthdate, and the inclusion of Pre-K costs as an allowable Scholarship Tax Credit (SGO) expense. It also has a provision that allows non-public school leaders to attend the State Principals Institute. 

  • HB 1001 provides school choice options to more Hoosier families, increasing the eligibility for Choice Scholarships to 400% Free and Reduced Lunch (more than $240,000 for a family of four), and eliminating the various pathways that students must meet to be eligible under current law.  

Ask your State Representative to support HB 1591 and HB 1001 to allow Hoosier families to choose the educational opportunities that are best for their families. Click the link to the right to login and send your message: Click Here & Send a Message to your State Rep

Get Ready to Engage! - Protecting and defending school choice is everyone's responsibility! We need all of our non-pub stakeholders to be ready to engage with legislators this session to advance our legislative priorities. Download our revised Myth Buster document to learn the arguments school choice critics use and be prepared with our counterpoints. INPEA would like to share our 2023 Legislative Advocacy Video with your boards, parents, and other stakeholders HERE. Let's work together to keep advancing school choice!

Share the Vision: Attend A Celebration of School Choice Regional Legislative Event - INPEA is partnering with the Institute for Quality Education and jurisdictions across the state to host regional events in support of school choice. These events, called Share the Vision: A Celebration of School Choice, is scheduled for March 16: At 6pm at Bishop Dwenger High School Register Here

HASA would like to announce several upcoming events. Mark your calendars now.
Bell’s Skating Party     3/1/23
Father Daughter Dance     3/10/23
Mother Son Bowling     4/23/23

STUDENTS OF THE WEEK  - Congratulations to Sophie Bird, Morgan Brown, Maci Cagnet, Thomas Danys, Gabe Hughes, Philomena Koehl, Peter LaMaster, Theo LaMaster, Joseph Lavelle, Pau Lian, Molly Meyer, Suri Negahban, Lucy Nicholson, Calla Palkovic, Nolan Roberts, Jamie Steinau, Joyce Stults, Paulina Sustaita, Daniel Tippmann, Karter Williams, Kate Williams

Click here for the rest of the February 24, 2023 SCBS Newsletter