
October 26, 2023 Newsletter

Dear Parents and Students - I hope this newsletter finds you well and that you have a pleasant mini fall break this weekend.  I always enjoy seeing parents come in for conferences and receiving updates on the progress of their children. Along with our hard-working Teachers and Staff, your parental involvement and support of our school’s Mission and Vision (see above :) is foundational to the success of your children individually and to the success of our school overall. Thank you for being interested and loving parents and for choosing St. Charles for your children! I offer the simple, yet beautiful ‘Blessing of St. Francis’ for our parents, students, teachers, staff, and parish:  May the Lord bless you. May the Lord keep you. May He show His face to you and have mercy. May He turn to you His countenance and give you peace. Amen.
1. The FEAST OF ALL SAINTS & CONFIRMATION W/BISHOP RHOADES - a Holy Day of Obligation & a Beautiful Sacrament Wednesday, November 1st. Our grade 4 students will be dressed as Saints for the 8:15 a.m. Mass & A Confirmation Mass with Bishop Rhoades at 7:00 p.m.  All are welcome to attend both Masses!
2. The FEAST OF ALL SOULS is celebrated on Thursday, November 2nd. November is an important month of prayer for those in purgatory, and many visit the graves of the departed on this day. We pray for those souls who have attained Eternal Life (the Saints), followed by those who are assured of Heaven, but not quite ready for it because of sins for which they have not fully satisfied Divine Justice here on earth. Our Lord promised St. Gertrude the Great, a Benedictine nun & mystic who lived in the 13th century that 1000 souls would be released from Purgatory each time she said the following prayer devoutly. A great prayer for focusing on the Holy Souls in Purgatory, our families, and all in the world:  Eternal Father, I offer Thee the Most Precious Blood of Thy Divine Son, Jesus, in union with the masses said throughout the world today, for all the Holy Souls in Purgatory, for sinners everywhere, for sinners in the Universal Church, those in my own home and within my family. Amen.
3. The FEAST OF ST. CHARLES BORROMEO is celebrated on Friday, November 3rd. The Feast of St. Charles is actually on Saturday, November 4th, but we will celebrate our Patron Saint with a Friday, November 3rd all-school Mass at 8:15 a.m. All are welcome to attend! We ask students to wear Red school shirts (if they have them) in honor of St. Charles who was named a Cardinal of the Church at the young age of 22! 
4. ST. CHARLES CRAFT FAIR!!  The Fine Arts Boosters are sponsoring our annual Craft Fair again on the first Saturday of November, November 4, throughout the school building. Registrations are currently being accepted for vendors; usually there are over 100 vendors registered to sell their homemade items. Please mark your calendars to attend 8:30-2:00. If you have time to assist with set-up, clean-up, or concessions, please click here to volunteer: Volunteer Link. All income from this marvelous event benefits our students’ Fine Arts’ programs in the areas of art, music, and drama. 
    In the past, proceeds have been used to purchase our original kiln and to upgrade it a few years ago. Regular maintenance is provided through these funds as well as participation in the FAME festival. Funds have been used to assist with our general music program and to update equipment and instruments. Used instruments have been purchased to assist our beginning orchestra and band students. Additionally, the funds raised have been used to bring various programs to our school. Stevens’ Puppets come annually with a show for our younger students. This year we are planning to set up a piano keyboard lab to incorporate in our Music classes.
5. WE MISSED A FEW HIGH HONOR ROLL & HONOR ROLL STUDENTS’ NAMES LAST WEEK! Sorry about that! You will find updated lists with those students we missed highlighted in yellow on page 2.
6. PUT ON SOME PANTS FOR HEAVEN’S SAKE! The last day for student shorts will be this Friday, November 3rd. No shorts beginning Monday, November 6th. Please have your children try on their pants this weekend and see if Bubba or Haruki have outgrown them. If so, this will give you next week to go out and buy a few new pairs of pants.
7. While you are checking pants, PLEASE CHECK YOUR DAUGHTERS’ SKIRT LENGTHS! Our students are constantly growing, and some of our girls’ growth has outpaced the length of their skirts. A few are wading into miniskirt space.  Please adjust accordingly as the handbook asks for skirt length to the knees, understanding that there is room for 4-5 inches above with growth. However, if we start the length at 7 inches above the knee and grow another 5, well a foot is way too short.

Click here for the entire October 26, 2023 SCBS Newsletter